Flood damages in Nepal – Reporters Nepal https://nepalireporter.com Impart Educate Propel Tue, 16 Jul 2019 08:11:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.6 https://nepalireporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-RN_Logo-32x32.png Flood damages in Nepal – Reporters Nepal https://nepalireporter.com 32 32 Floods shut down schools, obstruct transportation in Lalitpur https://nepalireporter.com/2019/07/256638 https://nepalireporter.com/2019/07/256638#respond Tue, 16 Jul 2019 08:11:08 +0000 https://nepalireporter.com/?p=256638 Flood in Lalitpur, Nepal flood and landslidesFlood triggered by incessant rainfall has affected normal life in southern parts of Lalitpur as transportation has come to a grinding halt in three rural municipalities due to landslide in different areas while all schools have been shut.]]> Flood in Lalitpur, Nepal flood and landslides

LALITPUR, July 16: Flood triggered by incessant rainfall has affected normal life in southern parts of Lalitpur as transportation has come to a grinding halt in three rural municipalities due to landslide in different areas while all schools have been shut.

Hundreds of houses have been inundated in Lalitpur Metropolis-28 after the flood-fed Karmanasha rivulet entered into human settlement.

Likewise, more than 400 houses located nearby Gwarko Kist Hospital in Lalitpur have been waterlogged, affecting the normal life of 1,200 people, according to Mahalaxmi ward-4 chair Laxman Rokka.

The obstruction to the water flow under the river linking Lalitpur and Mahalaxmi municipality caused inundation in the human settlement, he added.

No human loss has been reported in Godavari municipality but 12 households of ward-7 Devichaur have been rendered displaced due to the landslide.

Locals said the excessive use of dozers in course of the construction of roads along the forest area triggered a bigger loss in south Lalitpur. RSS

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