Industry Commerce and Consumer Welfare Committee – Reporters Nepal Impart Educate Propel Sun, 06 Aug 2017 11:01:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Industry Commerce and Consumer Welfare Committee – Reporters Nepal 32 32 Parliamentary Committee to carry out onsite visit of land purchased by NOC Sun, 06 Aug 2017 11:01:35 +0000 ParliamentThe Industry, Commerce and Consumer Welfare Committee under the Legislature-Parliament is to carry out an onsite visit of the land purchased by Nepal Oil Corporation in four districts for petroleum storage. ]]> Parliament

KATHMANDU, Aug 6: The Industry, Commerce and Consumer Welfare Committee under the Legislature-Parliament is to carry out an onsite visit of the land purchased by Nepal Oil Corporation in four districts for petroleum storage.

Committee President Bhishmaraj Angdembe informed today’s meeting that a group of lawmakers elected from these four districts would be selected and sent for the onsite monitoring.

He said that preparation was underway to send the group to Jhapa, Sarlahi, Chitwan and Rupandehi districts for onsite study.
The group would collect real facts by holding discussion with representatives of concerned offices, people’s representatives of local-level and locals of the area, where the NOC had purchased the land, of four districts.

On the occasion, Lawmakers– Subas Chandra Thakuri, Bhesh Kumari Raut, Krishna Prasad Poudel, Shambhu Lal Shrestha, Deepak Karki and Shyam Kumar Shrestha, among others, stressed the need of carrying out comprehensive investigation into the land purchase scandal. RSS

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