Jyapu festival – Reporters Nepal https://nepalireporter.com Impart Educate Propel Tue, 24 Oct 2017 11:31:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.6 https://nepalireporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-RN_Logo-32x32.png Jyapu festival – Reporters Nepal https://nepalireporter.com 32 32 President stresses on development of safe settlement https://nepalireporter.com/2017/10/41673 https://nepalireporter.com/2017/10/41673#respond Tue, 24 Oct 2017 11:31:03 +0000 http://nepalireporter.com/?p=41673 President Bidya Devi Bhandari, Museum of Jyapu community, Jyapu festivalLALITPUR, Oct 24: President Bidya Devi Bhandari has insisted on the need of giving priority to the development earthquake-resistant settlement while carrying out post-earthquake reconstruction efforts. Inaugurating the newly constructed museum of Jyapu community amidst the three-day Jyapu festival kicked off here on Tuesday, the Head-of-the-State urged the authorities concerned to ensure the reflection of […]]]> President Bidya Devi Bhandari, Museum of Jyapu community, Jyapu festival

LALITPUR, Oct 24: President Bidya Devi Bhandari has insisted on the need of giving priority to the development earthquake-resistant settlement while carrying out post-earthquake reconstruction efforts.

Inaugurating the newly constructed museum of Jyapu community amidst the three-day Jyapu festival kicked off here on Tuesday, the Head-of-the-State urged the authorities concerned to ensure the reflection of original architectural designs in the construction of new infrastructure.

Patan, a historic town rich in traditional art and architecture, should keep its such identity alive, opting the use of indigenous and local skills, knowledge and resources in the post-quake reconstruction works.

The museum was constructed by the Jyapu Society. Jyapus are the indigenous community of the Kathmandu Valley.
Also on the occasion, three times Madan prize laureate and culture expert, Satya Mohan Joshi, called the museum as the reflection of the Bagmati civilization that means the civilization of the Kathmandu Valley, underlining the need for protecting historic and cultural artifacts.

Defence Minister Bhimsen Das Pradhan expressed his hope that the museum would help keep the identities of Jyapu, the natives of the Kathmandu Valley.

Lalitpur Metropolitan Mayor Chiribabu Maharjan was of the view of bearing in mind the necessity of limning historic indentify of the city during the reconstruction of the earthquake damaged structure.
According to society chair Prem Maharjan, the objective of the establishment of museum is to protect the language, religion and culture of the Jyapu peoples.

On the occasion, culture expert Joshi was gifted his own bust.

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