Udhauli – Reporters Nepal https://nepalireporter.com Impart Educate Propel Sun, 03 Dec 2017 06:02:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.6 https://nepalireporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-RN_Logo-32x32.png Udhauli – Reporters Nepal https://nepalireporter.com 32 32 Yomari, Dhanya Poornima and Udhauli festivals being observed today https://nepalireporter.com/2017/12/43336 https://nepalireporter.com/2017/12/43336#respond Sun, 03 Dec 2017 06:02:07 +0000 http://nepalireporter.com/?p=43336 YomariThe Yomari Punhi or Yomari Poornima, Dhanya Poornima and Udhauli festivals are being observed across the country today. ]]> Yomari

KATHMANDU, Dec 3: The Yomari Punhi or Yomari Poornima, Dhanya Poornima and Udhauli festivals are being observed across the country today.

The Yomari Poornima is a festival observed by the Newar community of the Valley and is believed to have started 400 years ago. A special delicacy made of rice flour and molasses called Yomari is the major attraction of this festival.

The day is also observed as the Jyapu Day.

Also today, the hilly people observe the Gaidu pooja by worshipping their ancestors and the sacred cowshed, according to chairperson of the Nepal Calendar Determination Committee Prof Dr Ram Chandra Gautam. This full moon day is also called the Dhanya Poornima.

Coincidently, the day also happens to be the Udhauli festival observed by people from the Kirant community. This festival is observed wishing for a good harvest by worshipping the soil and nature, according to Kirti Kumar Dumi Rai, who has been studying the Kirant culture. People from the Rai, Limbu, Sunuwar and Yakhya ethnicities observe this festival. RSS

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