People must be cautious of immature political decisions: Nepal’s ex-king Gyanendra

KATHMANDU: Nepal’s former king Gyanendra Shah openly challenged what he called ‘immature’ and ‘myopic’ decision of political parties and called on the general public to be cautious of such decisions.
Speaking at a religious program in western part of the country on Tuesday, the former monarch explicitly claimed that ” everyone should be cautious of the immature policy and decision.”
Though Gyanendra did not elaborated to what he referred as ‘immature’ and myopic decision, he said that the state affairs should be run systematically and decisively.
“Due to lack of influential central, the state system is on the verge of collapse,” Gyanendra concluded while reading out the written statement at a remote village Harpur-6, of Nawalparasi, where he was invited to attend a religious function and for installing an idol.
“The conditions are not in favour of accepting any immature decision. Everyone should be conscious about this,” he said hinting towards the abolishment of monarchy and establishment of republicanism in Nepal.
One of his aide, who preferred to stay anonymous, addressed Gyanendra as “His Majesty” and informed that Gyanendra was unhappy with most of the political decisions taken after the establishment of republicanism.
During his speech, Gyanendra at a point even claimed that the state cannot be run by marginalising a power source, making it clear that he still remained a power-centre in the nation.
He stressed on the need to move ahead by bringing all power sources together. Though he explicitly did not claim stake in the round table conference talks, he nevertheless hinted for participation in it.
His statement comes at a time when political parties are increasingly becoming suspicious about Gyanendra’s political role and even claiming that he was getting involved in politics.
Though the former monarch had so far denied of engaging in politics and had even at times claimed that his visits were religious in nature, in this speech he voiced himself as a political power and even tried to assure his supporters that the monarchy will live in Nepal through religious practices.
The program was organised by the World Hindu Federation and speakers which included some influential Indian leaders, addressed Gyanendra as “His Majesty”.