Gyanendra cancels pilgrimage sensing political turbulence

KATHMANDU: Nepal’s former monarch, Gyanendra Shah, has been forced to cancel his nation visit due to protest programs of the opposition parties aimed at toppling Bhattarai government.
The former monarch was scheduled to make pilgrimages to five districts of the central region of the country.
During his recent pilgrimage to the mid-western region of the country, Gyanendra had publicly commented on the ongoing political crisis and warned political parties of future crisis.
However, the protest programs organized by 15 political parties has forced Gyanendra to skip the tour and subsequently focus on his wife’s health.
Nepali newspaper Nepal Samacharpatra while confirming the report stated that Gyanendra is scheduled to head for Singapore for his wife-Komal’s- health checkup.
Sources near Gyanendra claimed that the visit was cancelled predicting intense political clashes in the near future.
Besides the cancelled central region visit, Gyanendra favorites have organized his visit to eastern region of the country later this year.