Jhalanath calls for unity among anti-Maoist parties

KATHMANDU: CPN (UML) Chairman Jhalanath Khanal pledged to topple the Bhattarai-led ‘totalitarian government’ through the anti-government protests.
“This government was exhibiting its totalitarian regime. This should be thrown through the street protests,” Khanal said addressing a program organized by the Rapti Zonal Liaison Committee at party headquarters on Saturday.
Saying that present politics was polarized in democratic and totalitarian forces, Khanal said unity between the democratic forces was the need of the hour to fight against totalitarianism of the current government. He also said that people’s expectations would be meet through a peaceful politics.
Other leaders including Prakash Jwala and Gangalal Thuladhar also slammed the Bhattarai-led government saying that it was jeopardizing the achievements of the revolutions.