Maoist stress on endorsing TJM bill derails electoral government talks

KATHMANDU: Nepal’s major political parties failed to resolve all outstanding issues surrounding the formation of electoral government despite late night discussions cum dinner at the President’s residence.
Sources in knowledge of the discussions held between the senior leaders of the political parties informed that the talks remained inconclusive after the ruling Maoist stressed on including the formation of Transitional Justice Mechanism bill in the electoral government package deal.
The Maoist had questioned the intentions of opposition parties and the President himself stating that President’s denial to endorse the TJM bill while endorsing other bills had forced them to suspect the intentions behind it.
Following the demand, the four party task force assigned with the role to prepare action plan to form electoral government had failed to come up with a report for the senior leaders to endorse.
The meeting has been postponed till noon on Monday. The recommendations endorsed by the task force will be discussed with Chief Justice and if endorsed will pave way for the formation of an electoral government in CJ’s leadership.