YCL attacks Occupy Baluwatar protestors

KATHMANDU: The ongoing Occupy Baluwater movement on Sunday was taken by surprise by the attack of UCPN Maoist youth organization- Young Communist League (YCL).
The Occupy Baluwater activists were attacked YCL cadres while they staging sit in in front the Prime Minister’s residence in Baluwatar.
YCL cadres tored and vandalized all the banners which called for delivering justice to UCPN Maoist leader Balkrishna Dhungel.
The YCL cadres, which activists claimed were 30-35 in number, thrashed down some activist when they tried to confront them.
Shortly after the attack the activists organized a press meet program in Reporters Club Nepal and announced plans to launch rally in the valley.
Speakers at the interaction program slammed government and rights-based organization for showing apathy to their movement and allowing murder-accused Maoist leader Balkrishna Dhungel walk free.