Nepalese categorically robbed, attacked, mutilated in Malaysia ; embassy mute

Kwalampur, Malaysia: The recent attack on Nepalese by Malaysian local youths have brought the ugly face within the exotic tourist destination and also the inability of the Nepali government to safeguard its citizens in foreign nations.
Though that attack and some videos went viral on the internet, the Nepali government failed to take the issue with the Malaysian government even at the diplomatic level. The government would have demanded security for its nationals working in various sectors of the Malaysia, but the government subsided the issue.
Though the government has forgotten what its more than half million of Nepalese go through every day in Malaysia, here are some representative voices that speak out the life of Nepali who lives in fear and terror to save the money that he has earned through toils and even his life.
On an early February morning, Santa Gurung of Tanahun was robbed of his assists and seriously injured when he was heading with his friend to his factory. The robbers which came in motorcycles and trashed him and his friends and took away everything they had. Since then he fears to get out alone or even double.
See the video down showing footage of Malaysian gangs attacked Nepali and how inhumanly treated the injureds
“We were walking on the footpath. Suddenly some motorcycles came from behind and snatched everything we had,” Santa said adding, ” my friend was seriously injured when he tried to resist the robbers”.
Everyday lots of Nepali nationals are robbed in Malaysia by local gangsters and yet the local police administrations remains mute. With such insecurity, they are even worried to send the money which they earn after lot of toils. Malaysia is one of the cheapest foreign employment destinations for Nepalese workers.
“One cannot be assured unless you have deposited your pay in the Bank,” Basu Kafle, a resident of Morang, who has working here since 12 years said adding, ” you walk in terror until you get back to your hostel.” The statement is indicative of the terror that Nepalese workers have to go through.
Jeevan Gurung of Syangja, who has been working in Shah Alam, has many encounters with these robbers. Elaborating on his terrifying experiences, Gurung says,” Robbers use motorcycles and cars. Its impossible to differentiate good ones from robbers. They are like common locals.” Another Nepali from Jhapa and working here for the past seven years, Bijay Mishra adds that the robbers hide their number plates when they attack someone.
Even if one does not have money its not an easy escape. The robbers thrash such Nepalese scolding them for walking without cash and assists. “If they don’t get money, they injure by attacking with weapons. Sometimes they mutilate your organs and can render you handicap,” Padam Adhikari of Sunsari, who recently faced similar conditions said.
Adhikari has stopped going out alone nowadays. “We walk in groups nowadays,” he said adding that the robbers return back with bigger gangs if they try to resist their robbery attempts. ” Many friends are in hospitals after they were injured in the resisting attempts.”
Aanshu Chaudhary of Dang was robbed within his first month of entry in Malaysia. ” They called me to them. When I was in front them, they robbed me on knife-point. It was terrifying,” Chaudary said still shaking with that experience which says would have taken his life.
These robberies are targeted especially towards foreign workers. They don’t rob local citizens. The disturbing factor while agreed by many was said by Govind Khanal, a resident of Morgan district.
” They remain updated on the pay day of the foreign workers and pick out foreign workers,” Khanal said adding, ” our local colleagues are never robbed or touched by them.”
In the recent days some companies have provided ATM facilities and in-house payment facilities to their workers. But still most of the companies lack these facilities and have made Nepalese and foreigner workers more prone to attack from the Malaysian gangsters and robbers.
While the Malaysian police does not seems to be willing to engage with these robbers, the Nepali embassy also has remained mute spectator of the bloody hardships Nepalese are facing here.
A report run by Nepal’s leading News Channels taps in Nepalese in Malaysia to elaborate on the attack, which the Nepali government denied of being taken place.