Pokhara is Nepal’s cleanest city

KATHMANDU: Lake city Pokhara, also known as a paradise in Nepal, is declared the cleanest city in the country.
Ministry of Urban Development honored the tourist city as the ‘Cleanest City-2070.’
Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport and Urban Development, Chhabi Raj Panta said other cities in the country were needed to follow the path of Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City.
Executive Officer of Pokhara Sub-Metropolis, Jhalakram Adhikari, said that efforts are underway to make Pokhara a clean city by declaring it black polythene bag prohibited area and vendor shop prohibited area.
Similarly, Executive Officer of the Centre, Dr. Sumitra Amatya, stressed that all communities should be mobilized in protecting the environment as it was impossible to do so without the support of the community.
The World Environment Day under the slogan ‘Think, Eat, Save’ is going to be celebrated on June 5 by organizing various programmes.