Malaysia detains 250 Nepali migrant workers

KATHMANDU: Malaysian authorities ruthlessly rounded up around 250 Nepalese migrant workers as part of its crackdown on illegal migrant workers.
Though the camppaign aims at clearing the nation of illegal migrant workers, Nepalese workers there reported that the authorities detained them without even giving them a chance to produce their papers.
Confirming the crackdown, Deputy Director at the Enforcement Division of the Department of Immigration (Malaysia) M Saravana Kumar said that the exact number of Nepalese and how many of them were illegal could be told only after dealing with the detained individually, The Himalayan Times reported on Tuesday.
Most of these Nepalese were reported to be detained from Kuala Lumpur, Klang Valley and Johor, Saravana informed.
If found living illegaly in Malaysia, the worker might be deported, imprisoned or fined, Saravana was quoted by saying adding that all of the detained will be produced before a public prosecutor.
Malaysia is working home for more than 4 lakh Nepalese. More than four lakh Nepalis are employed in Malaysia.