All party meet fails to make headway, to continue on Monday

KATHMANDU: The second edition of the All-political-party meeting called by President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav failed to resolve contentions with the dissenting parties.
The meeting was adjourned after High Level Political Committee (HLPC) member parties and the dissenting 33 parties led by the CPN Maoist did not reach common understanding over holding the Constituent Assembly (CA) elections and formation of a political government by dissolving the present one.
Emerging from the meeting, CPN-Maoist Secretary Dev Gurung said that the parties could not agree on the postponement of Constituent Assembly election and formation of a partisan government. On Friday, the CPN-Maoist had floated a four-point proposal to defer the November 19 election.
However, leaders of various political parties have said the meeting was “positive”.
The meeting had discussed four-point proposal. The CPN-Maoist on Friday had put forth the demands including holding the round-table conference, forming a partisan government, deferring the CA polls to March/April and determining the prime contents of and roadmap for constitution in the making.
Today’s meeting had begun at 2pm at the Office of the President, Sheetal Niwas.