‘Banned’ Mervyn Westfield brands jail term over fixing charges ‘hell’

London, Sept 27 (ANI): English cricketer Mervyn Westfield, who was jailed for four months in early 2012 over spot-fixing charges, has described his prison stint as ‘hell’, in an interview for the Professional Cricketers’ Association (PFA).
The former Essex cricketer was reportedly approached by Essex team-mate and Pakistani player Danish Kaneria and asked to concede 12 runs in his first over during a match against Durham in September 2009, for which he was paid 6,000 pounds.
According to the BBC, the PCA wants to show the interview to every young cricketer as part of its education programme.
Stating that he would not wish his prison stint on anyone, Westfield said that at prison, it is literally spelled out what a prisoner can or cannot do, at what time he can eat, go back to his cell, come out for exercise or have a shower, adding that he was further devastated as he could not be by the bedside of his father, who had cancer at that time.
According to Westfield, he felt pressured into taking part in the fix and that he was told by Kaneria’s associates that he was not the only player who has been approached, adding that although he would have liked to play for the England national team, he is aware that it is now impossible given his situation, which has cost him the best job he ever had.
Westfield was also banned from professional cricket for five years and stopped from participating in club cricket in any capacity for three, although the second ban has now been reduced after he agreed to participate in the PCA’s anti-corruption programme, the report added. (ANI)