CPN Maoist opts for revolutionary path to topple CA

Baidya’s part decide to form alliance for CA’s dissolution
KATHMANDU: The Mohan Baidya led CPN Maoist has decided to launch strong agitation for the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly and to pave way for holding a national political conference that would form a national consensus government and draft the new constitution.
Concluding the week-long central committee meeting on Saturday, the party decided to launch an aggressive campaign to strengthen and extend the organisation of the party from mid-December 2013 to mid-February 2014 before begining to launch the agitation for CA dissolution.
On the occassion, Baidya urged party leaders to come up with new models of protest and revolution and also stressed on the need to reform his party’s structure.
Claiming that the party structure had some inconsistencies within, Baidya also stressed on the need to reform party structure before launching the protest programs.
CC member Lekhnath Neupane said the party will join hands with left forces fighting for republicanism, secularism, federalism and national interest by forming a working alliance or forging unity with parties. CPN-M will appeal to all UCPN-M revolutionary to join the party that follows the true essence of communism.