Sushil Koirala elected Nepal’s Prime Minister

KATHMANDU (RUDRA BAHADUR KARKI)- Nepal’s second constituent assembly has elected Nepali Congress President Sushil Koirala as the new Prime Minister on Monday afternoon.
Koirala’s candidacy for the post was supported by CPN UML and other political parties excluding the 16 political parties that had complained of electoral fraud during the second Constituent Assembly polls.
The 75 year old leader had contended in the election with no candidate from the opposing parties and recieved 405 votes out of the total 571-members in the current CA.
Koirala had gained support of CPN UML following the Sunday agreement between both parties that among others agrees to hold fresh elections for Prime Minister, President and Vice President within an year by promulgating the new constitution.
Koirala has assured to hold local elections within six months and promulgate new constitution within a year, in his address to the House following the victory.
Along with that he has assured to conclude all remaining tasks related to peace process and called for unity and coordination among political parties for concluding the task of constitution writing.