Energy Minister pledges alternative sources to curb power-cut

Kathmandu, March 14, 2014. Minister for Energy Radha Gyawali has said that the ministry is going to bring the new technology for cutting the load shedding.
Minister Gyawali has informed that the government is planning to bring the new technology for the light of road which must be used in the day-night’s dark on very soon. Speaking at the interaction program organized by the Reporters’ Club Nepal, Minister Gyawali said,” this technology will come in action very soon. We will start it from butwal and will be auctioned in all over the country. We will simultaneously, start our big project of power-cut of load-shedding hours and control of the Electricity leakage.”
She stressed that the government is preparing its action-plans for reducing the power-cut of load-shedding by putting in center of the concern of livelihood’s daily cum-needs, and SLC exam. She shared her plans for providing the electricity to the industrials on day time and will provided its facility on night time to the household. She said,” I will collect the duos of electricity bill in the era of peoples’ long 10 years insurgency.” She informed that the government is preparing to submit two legal drafting related to the electricity in the CA house by putting on the center of correcting the process of distribution of license, speaking at the interaction program presided by the Reporters’ Club President Rishi Dhamala.
Minister Gyawali has said that the government will bring the new plans for reducing the load-shedding with certain programs such as, will be given the certain time to the big project of hydro, will bring the special action-plans for controlling the leakage of electricity, will be dissolved the license to those who have been occupied without action and will prior to the thermal plant and solar systems in the priority of the government.
In a concerns raised by the journalists, Minister Gyawali has committed that the government will hold the election for the local body on time. She warned if the Maoist will foil the election of the local body then they would known as the dictators or autocrats not the politicians.
Minister Gyawali charged to the Maoists as anti-factor of development. She again accused that the nation will becoming day-by-day week as the Maoist had disturbed in the development of nation in the era of peoples’ war.