Baidya warns Koirala to severe ties with NC

KATHMANDU: CPN Maoist Chairman Mohan Baidya Kiran has warned Prime Minister Sushil Koirala to severe relationship between both parties- Nepali Congress and CPN Maoist– if the latter continued to invite his party for participating in the Constituent Assembly through the 26-member cabinet quota.
Baidya warned so during a discussion with PM Koirala, when the latter reached out to him requesting his party’s presence in the CA by accepting the offer of the cabinet to be nominated under the 26 seats quota that it has power to make.
Stating the offer to be an political insult, Baidya said that his party had remained of the CA elections pointing to the need for bringing larger political community in the mainstream through round table conference.
However, Baidya said that his party was ready to participate in the constitution drafting process through round table conference. “Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly is the only way through which we can come to terms. And than only we can hold discussion on issues of federalism, forms of governance and state restructuring,” Baidya said while talking to today.
In reply, the Prime Minister denied the possibility to dissolve CA and pointed that understanding could be reached through the UCPN Maoist Vice Chairman Baburam Bhattarai headed Constitutional Dialogue Committee.
However, Baidya even denied the possibility for reaching a consensus with political parties through the Committee pointing that his party wont participate in the discussions.