EC says By-election largely peaceful

Kathmandu, June 22.The Election Commission (EC) has stated that voting for the Constituent Assembly (CA) by-election is underway in a peaceful manner.
The voters have been participating with much vigour since 7:00 am in Kathmandu Constituency No. 2, Chitwan Constituency No. 4, Bardiya Constituency No. 1 and Kailali Constituency No. 6, the EC has said.
The EC has managed 324 voting centers for all the districts for the by-election. The voting will be held until 5 pm today.
The EC has deployed only woman officials in the two polling centers of the Kailali district, said Spokesperson of the EC, Maheshwor Neupane.
The EC has managed 39 voting centers and 90 polling booths in Kathmandu Constituency No. 2, 31 voting centers and 81 booths in Chitwan Constituency No. 4, 37 voting centers and 78 booths in Bardiya Constituency No. 1, and 30 voting centers and 75 booths in Kailali Constituency No. 6.
Altogether 76 candidates are in the fray for the by-election, being conducted through electronic voting machine.