
Prez tables the government’s new policy & programmes in the Parliament

Kathmandu, President Ram Baran Yadav tabled the government’s new policy and programmes for the fiscal year 2014/15 at the Legislature-Parliament on today.

President Yadav read the  government’s policy and programme at the meeting of the Legislature-Parliament as per the Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 B.S. In the new policy and programmes for the fiscal year, President stressed on the timely promulgate the new constitution. Similarly, He stressed on the establishment of the good governance, Zero tolerance of the Corruption, Stability of the peace.

Acting Prime Minister Bam Dev Gautam has hand over the governments’ new policy and program to the President for reading out. In the ceremony, Vice President Parmananda Jha was also present at the Legislature-Parliament meeting chaired by Speaker Subash Nembang.  Introducing the policy and programmes, President Yadav said promulgating the new constitution as per the people’s aspiration will be a starting point of modern Nepal. While reading

The government’s policy and programme shall remain focused towards upgrading Nepal from an underdeveloped country to a developing country by 2022.

To read out the full-text of the New Policy & the Programmes, Please click on the following link:

