‘Need of PTA to reduce trade deficit: Former Foriegn Ministers’

Kathmandu, July 30. Former Foreign Affairs Ministers representing various political parties stressed on the need of an immediate agreement with India about Power Trade Agreement in Nepal to reduce trade deficit with the southern neighbour.
Speaking at the interaction program organized by the Reporters’ Club Nepal on Wednesday, former Minister for Foreign Affairs and Nepali Congress’s chief of the foreign affairs Ms. Sujata Koirala has said that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Nepal next week is an opportunity for the nation to start the new-age relation reach in the high & to reduce its trade deficit with India.
Stressing that Indian Premier Narendra Modi came up with a policy of ‘neighbours first’ and stressed on regional development, Koirala has said Nepal can get a lot from the visit. However she went on to claim that some leaders of political parties objected to the proposed Nepal-India hydro power deal ‘out of immaturity.’ “We need to change it and move forward confidently,” shed added while speaking at the program presided by the Reporters’ Club’s President Rishi Dhamala.
CPN-UML Secretary Pradip Gyawali has stressed that Nepal should have to start the new relation with India. Stating that Nepal-India relation’s has been guided by the bureaucrat level & security, Gyawali stressed to start Indo-Nepal relation with political level. However he argued that the visit of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s would make the visit of cooperation & goodwills.
Similarly, UCPN-Maoist Vice-Chairman Post Bahadur Bogati suggested the government to use Modi’s visit as an opportunity to develop the two-country relation to a new height. However, the leader Bogati has urged to raise the concern of implementing of Pancheshwar hydro power pact.
He stressed that Indo-Nepal relation should have to develop in height with political level. Leader Bogati suggested to make an agreement of power trade putting the national interest in the centers.
Former Foreign Affairs Minister and Chairman of Madhesi Janaadhikar Forum-Nepal (MJF-N) Upendra Yadav said Nepal and India should draft a new roadmap of cooperation in the changed scenario.
Appreciating Modi’s focus on regional development, he said that the two countries should sign the power trade agreement taking into account interest of both nations.
Yadav also suggested the government to discuss status of implementation of previous agreements with India during Modi’s visit.
At the same function Foreign Affairs and Rastriya Prajatantra Party leader Prakash Chandra Lohani demanded implementation of previous treaties and contracts before signing new agreements.
Foreign affairs expert and former Foreign Affairs Minister Bhekh Bahadur Thapa suggested the government to take Modi’s visit as a goodwill visit than for financial transactions. He said Nepal and India can strengthen their ties at a new level if both countries continued bilateral talks with trust.
Reporters’ Club Nepal’s president Rishi Dhamala has stressed on that the visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, should make as a visit of goodwill.