
PM Koirala adresses UNGA

Kathmandu, September 27.Prime Minister Sushil koirala on Friday addressed the 69th General Assembly of the United Nations held in New York of the United States.

According to a statement issued by the Permanent Mission of Nepal to the United States yesterday, the Prime Minister commended the Secretary-General for convening the Climate Summit. He added that the momentum generated at the summit would pave the way next year for a binding agreement on climate change with long-term.

He underlined that it is an irony that the world’s most vulnerable countries happen to be the worst victims of climate change and called for special provisions for climate financing, additional to regular ODA, for addressing the mitigation and adaptation needs of the least developed countries and small island developing states, read the statement.

Calling for attention to the structural constraints, capacity gaps and pervasive and complex development challenges that LDCs face, Prime Minister Koirala underlined the urgency for addressing the special needs of the LDCs and to support them with enhanced provision of resources for inclusive development.

He called upon the international community particularly donors to fulfill all the commitments made in favour of LDCs and emphasised on the timely, full and effective implementation of Istanbul Programme of Action for the LDCs.

The Prime Minister said Nepal unequivocally condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and called for an early conclusion of a comprehensive convention on international terrorism and the effective implementation of the provisions of the UN global counter-terrorism measures.

Moreover, the Prime Minister expressed the commitment of the present government to take the parties both within and outside the Assembly on board within the framework of constitutionalism, political pluralism and the rule of law to put the country on the path of peace, stability, development and democratic system of governance.

He expressed his confidence that Peace, stability, and democracy in Nepal would pave the way for reaping the benefits from economic dynamism in the neighbourhood and at the same time act as a stabilising force for peace and prosperity in Asia and the world at large.

Prime Minister Koirala left Kathmandu for New York on September 19 to attend the session of the UN General Assembly.
