Drivers barred keeping young female passengers by their side
Katari: Udayapur, Nov 9. Absurd as it may sound but the drivers of the vehicles that operate from Katari area in Udayapur district now no longer be accompanied by the young female passengers beside the drivers.
Himali Transportation Entrepreneurs´ Association, Katari branch and administration and police made such decision in view of reducing the increasing road accidents in the district, often occurring from the lack of driver´s focus during the driving hour as the drivers engaged in conversation with the women passengers.
The drivers, having a young girl by their side in the vehicle during their driving hours, are often found so engrossed in talks that they used to loose their focus resulting to accident, chief of the association Satrudhan Karki said.
The current decision has been introduced with a reference to the past accidents where the drivers´ distraction due to the talks with the young girl was found one of the major reasons.
Similarly, Saroj Poudel, the Deputy Superintendent of the Police (DSP) at Katari, explained that such a decision was reached after holding intense discussions with the stakeholders. Some 60 vehicles have been operating in the district. -RSS