UDMF will reveal its view on disputed issues soon: Gachhadar

Kathmandu, December 04. Chairman of the Medhesi Janaadhikar Forum-Democratic (MJF-D) Bijay Kumar Gachhadar has said Madhesi parties are flexible on the number of Pradeshes to be allocated for Tarai region in the federal structure.
Speaking at an interaction at the Reporters’ Club in the Capital on Thursday, Gachhadar said the United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF) will reveal its view on disputed issues of the constitution soon.
Gachhadar commented that the proposal put forth by Madhesi Janaadhikar Forum-Nepal (MJF-N) with a provision of nine Pradeshes is not a common view of UDMF, speaking the program presided by the Reporters’ Club Nepal’s president Rishi Dhamala.
He, however, maintained that the Madhesi Front will remain united in the constitution writing process. The former Deputy Prime Minister said his party can also agree on two Pradeshes in the Tarai-Madhes region.
He suggested that the federal state can be formed from Mechi to Chitwan and another from Chitwan to Mahakali. Meanwhile, Gachhadar expressed his hope that the constitution can be promulgated by January 22, 2015.
In another context, the leader said his party will not join the incumbent Sushil Koirala-led government.