Do not let the country be ruined: PM

The Prime Minister said this while receiving the Annual Report of the Public Procurement Monitoring Office at his official residence in Baluwatar Friday morning. “Do not let the country to be ruined, save it. If any irregularities are seen, take action and do not allow the situation in which there is any misuse of funds in collusion,” he said.
Expressing grave concern over the increasing level of corruption in the country despite his emphasis on good-governance from Day One he assumed office, PM Koirala also expressed his displeasure at the working style of the government employees. He said that he even did not receive the cooperation from the employees in curbing corruption, rather they were found aiding it, urging the employees to forget whatever happened in the past and start a new chapter.
Noting that the country was marching ahead on the path of development, Premier Koirala said, “The path to development has opened. Investors have been coming. Investors have come forward in all sectors including the construction of a Fast-track, international airport, hotel and hydropower projects. We have to understand their problems and provide the best service.”
He also pointed out the need of putting to an end the situation in which employees are divided by associating them to one party or the other.
“The bureaucracy should be made more professional,” PM Koirala said and suggested the employees to build the nation and to refrain from the practice of greasing palms of individuals. Let us all come together and develop the country so that the coming generation does not have to suffer like we have, he added.
On the occasion, PM Koirala suggested including skilled employees with high moral standards even in the monitoring carried out by the Public Procurement Monitoring Office. Stating that it was still found bidding was done by bending the provisions in the Public Procurement Act, he said the role of consultants was seen dubious in this regard.
Stressing on the need of bringing effectiveness in the works of the Office, he said, “This Office should intervene if there are any motives of limiting the fair competition in course of preparing the tender documents. He also emphasized on fair evaluation of tenders and doing away with the unwarranted activeness of the agents in this process.
The Prime Minister said it was necessary to prepare the Bill on Amending the Public Procurement Act to remove the existing shortcomings in the Act.
He further said that there was the need of removing the tendency of contractors taking projects by bidding the lowest amount but not carrying out works up to the standard and in the stipulated time.
Chief Secretary Leelamani Poudyal and Secretary of the Office Tankamani Sharma also expressed their views on the occasion. Also present at the program were the Administrative Advisor to the Prime Minister Baburam Acharya, Public Relations Advisor Mridula Koirala and the Chief Personal Secretary Basanta Gautam, among other officials. RSS