People living with HIV exceeds 100 in Sindupalchowk

SINDHPALCHOWK, Apr 3: A statistic reveals that score of people living with HIV/AIDS has reached 121 including 68 males and 53 females in Sindhupalchowk.
The Ichowk VDC is found to have 30 people with the HIV which is the highest among other VDCs. The number includes 19 males and 11 females.
The data was revealed by Mirmire Group – an organisation working for the prevention of the HIV/AIDS in the district.
“The score may go up as the people do not tend to come to contact and register their name as HIV-infected”, said Group Chairperson Keepak Tamang.
According to the district statistics, HIV has been detected among six children while the number is four in Ichowk VDC.