SB Thapa recuperating at Delhi-based hospital

KATHMANDU, APR 13: Former Prime Minister Surya Bahadur Thapa is gradually recuperating in India after a successful operation for gastrectomy.
Senior leader of Rastriya Prajatantra Party, Thapa had undergone the surgery on Friday at Gurgaon-based Medanta Hospital in New Delhi, India.
Thapa’s personal secretary Arun Sharma said in a statement today that the octogenarian leader has been shifted to special care ward of the Hospital from the intensive critical care unit.
Meanwhile, the former Prime Minister also began taking liquid food through mouth from today.
Thapa’s son Sunil Bahadur Thapa, who is also the Minister for Commerce and Supplies, is in New Delhi caring the ailing leader.
Sharma added that the veteran leader has wished all Nepalis a Happy New Year, 2072 BS.
The former Prime Minister had left for New Delhi on March 29.
The octogenarian leader suffers from hypertension and heart condition for a long time. He had survived a massive cardiac arrest in June 2012.
Thapa was born in Dhankuta of eastern Nepal on March 21, 1928.