‘Golden elephant came through, What if illegal weapons get past the TIA authority?’

KATHMANDU, Jan 23: Member of Parliament and CPN-UML leader Prakash Jwala has sharply criticized over security system of the Tribhuvan International Airport authority through which the illegal gold got past few weeks ago.
“‘Golden elephant came through, What if illegal weapons get past the TIA authority?” he question during a special hour of parliament on Monday.
Bringing the reference of Charles Sobhraj’s sarcastic remark—that he (Sobhraj) could pass an elephant through customs of Nepal’s airport security– upon Tribhuvan International Airport’s security system he commented, “An elephant of gold has passed through airport security. What is the government waiting for?
He put forward his serious concern on frail security of country and said, “It is doubtful that Finance Minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara vowed to arrest the gold smugglers, and no action has been taken yet.”
He also raised question on the process of new to be appointed IGP by the government.