Nepal’s largest National Flag ever to be set up near Mandala on Magh 16

KATHMANDU, Jan 27: Nepal Patriotic Youth Society is preparing to set up Nepal’s largest national flag ever near Maitighar Mandala on the occasion of Martyr’s Day.
“The national flag which is to be established on 3 inch wide and 19 meter long steel anchor will measure 10 meter in length and 7.5 meter in width,” informed Chairman of the Society Narayan Prasad Dhungana during a program organized at the Reporters’ Club Nepal at Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu on Friday.
The flag, which weighs 7 kg 838 gram, was made public at the Reporters’ Club Nepal, Bhrikutimandap by the society members today.
The Society’s program will be chief guested by CPN-UML Chairman KP Sharma Oli. National poet Madhav Parsad Ghimire is invited as the special guest at the program according to the organizer.
On the occasion, the Society will honor CNN Heroes Pushpa Basnet and Anuradha Koirala, Senior Journalist and Reporters’ Club Nepal’s President Rishi Dhamala, Adventurer of the Year 2016 Mira Rai, Footballer Bimal Gharti Magar Founder of PA Nepal Indira Thapa Magar, Senior Actor Madan Das Shrestha and so on other dignitaries, said Society Chairman Dhungana.