Bibeksheel, Sajha announce merger; becomes Bibeksheel Sajha Party

KATHMANDU, July 26: The two newly emerged parties Bibeksheel Nepali Party and Sajha Party have announced their merger on Wednesday.
Leader of Bibeksheel Party, Ujwal Thapa and Sajha Party leader Rabindra Mishra announced their unification into one party amid a press meet in the capital today afternoon. The unified party has been named as ‘Bibeksheel Sajha Party’.
The symbol ‘Taraju’ will be the electoral symbol of the newly formed party. Earlier, the logo ‘Taraju’ was being used by Sajha Party.
The new party will have 34 member central committee- comprising 17 members from each party.
Both the chiefs, Mishra and Thapa are ‘joint coordinators’ of the party.
The new unified party has also formed an eight-member Coordination Committee, which will function as the supreme body of the party until general convention.
The Committee includes Mishra, Surya Raj Acharya, Nirupani Yadav and Manuram Khanal from Sajha; and Thapa, Anusha Thapa, Govinda Narayan and Ramesh Poudel from Bibeksheel Party.
Mishra will chair the meeting of the committee.