4,708 register nomination for second phase elections

KATHMANDU, Nov 3: A total of 4,708 candidates filed their nominations for the second phase election taking place on December 7, according to the Election Commission. Of which, 1,742 have filed nominations for the House of Representatives election while 2,966 for the State Assemblies.
The second phase polls will elect 128 House of Representatives members and 256 Province assembly members from 45 districts.
Likewise, 334 women candidates filed their candidacy, of which, 126 for House of Representatives and 209 for Province Assemblies elections.
Meanwhile, time for filing of complaint against the candidates for the upcoming second phase elections to the House of Representatives and State Assemblies has begun. The Election Commission has fixed 10:00 am to 17:00 pm today to register a complaint against the candidate at the respective office of Election Officers.
Thursday marked the completion of the registration of candidacy for the second phase of elections scheduled for December 7.
The EC is scheduled to investigate into the complaints against the candidates tomorrow and publish the approved name list tomorrow itself.
November 5 has been declared as the day for publishing the final list of candidates and for allocating election symbols to candidates.