Result of HoR under PR system will be published only after election of upper house: CEC Yadav

KATHMANDU, Dec 31: Chief Election Commissioner Dr Ayodhee Prasad Yadav on Sunday clarified that the results of proportional representation system of House of Representatives cannot be published unless the National Assembly is elected.
“Constitution provisions 33 percent women’s representatives in the federal parliament. After the National Assembly is elected, the missing portion will have to be fulfilled through the PR system of House of Representatives.”
“Thus, the results of PR system of House of Representatives will be published only after the National Assembly Election,” he added.
He also said that EC will publish all the results within 30 days of announcement of National Assembly election date.
CEC Yadav also warned the political parties not to make changes to closed list of PR candidates of province assembly submitted to the Election Commission while making selection.
“The political parties should submit the names as submitted in the closed list. Otherwise, it will be against the directives. The EC will take action against such activities,” he said.