
Pakistani Prime Minister Abbasi to visit Nepal on March 5


KATHMANDU, March 2: Pakistani Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi is coming to Nepal on March 5 on a two-day visit, according to PM close sources.

The Pakistani Prime Minister is visiting Nepal to congratulate Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli for being elected as the prime minister. Abbasi will also hold meetings with President and other high level officers during his visit.

This will the first high-level visit to Nepal after Prime Minister Oli assumed office on February 15. Last time, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif had visited Nepal on November 2014 to attend the 18th South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit held in Kathmandu.

However, a source at the Pakistani Embassy has said that they are expecting Abbasi’s visit but are yet to receive confirmation in this regard.
