EPS-TOPIK (Korean Language) test result for 2020 published

KATHMANDU, June 28: The Human Resource Development Service of Korea has published the results of EPS-TOPIK (Korean language) test on Friday. The first stage of the language test was held on June 8 and June 9 this year.
As many as 92,376 aspirant workers have registered their application for this year’s Korean language test—which is 10,112 more than the previous year.
Of them, 63,487 have applied for production sector while 28,886 have applied for the agriculture sector. Of the total applicants, 77,393 are male and 14983 are female.
Updated: To see the Result with passers full name list, Click the link below:
EPS-TOPIK (Korean Language) test result for 2020 published (With full name list)
To see the result, visit the site here.
See the video to learn how to view the result.