Will reinstate monarchy and make Nepal a Hindu nation: Pashupati Sumsher Rana

Pashupati Sumsher Rana has a legacy, belonging to the “Rana Clan” that ruled Nepal for over 100 years. His family name is attached to history that has defined and shaped the political spectrum of Nepal. He currently serves as the Chairperson of the Rastriya Prajatantra Party (United). A person of stature he has taken different stances in his life. While he had shown support for the republic, he is now of the view that reinstating monarchy would be viable for the future course of Nepal.
Talking to Journalist Rishi Dhamala on air on Nepali Radio Network on Thursday, Rana said that alongside him, all his party members in unison hope for a constitutional monarchy in place.
“Our observation of the actions and behavior of the current working style of the President of Nepal has led us to believe that we need to reinstate Monarchy,” he said.
“If as president you are representing the Nepali Congress (NC) then you are not approving the bill for Nepal Communist Party (NCP), and if there is a NCP President then the office does not approve the bill for the NC, this is the current situation. Another important issue is regarding the property of my Uncle which the president is not satisfied with, and the office is seeking more luxury and lavishness. The president needs helicopters worth billions of rupees, she also expects people to genuflect in reverence while applying vermillion during rituals. We should not have a party based president rather a system in place to protect the sanctity of the constitution,” he added.
While counter questioning whether reinstating monarchy was mere beating drums while the larger section of the population has accepted the secular republic Rana replied “There are still 81% of the population who identify themselves has Hindu. This is what the people of Nepal are looking for. The two Constituent Assembly elections have not stirred any controversy for a unified system.”
In a query why he was blatantly blaming the President who has quit has party position, and has taken all stakeholders to account and protect the nation with her position, Rana opined, “I have personally not blamed any particular individual to this regard. I have not seen the impartiality required from the position of the president. We need an unbiased system. It is a matter to seriously ponder upon. Monarchy will make a comeback.”
Talking further about secularism in the constitution Rana stated that the Nepalese people were never against being a Hindu state.
“Secularism was brought in the eleventh hour in a secretive manner and was imposed upon the people of Nepal. We had proposed a constitutional amendment at the constituent assembly and no major party had any objection of sort”.