PM Oli’s health condition ‘normal’

KATHMANDU, Aug 25: Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli’s health is normal, said PM’s chief political advisor Bishnu Rimal.
“PM Oli’s plasmapheresis treatment and exchange of blood plasma started at the National University Hospital in Singapore on Friday. He has to undergo the same treatment a couple of times. His health is normal,” tweeted PM’s chief political advisor Bishu Rimal.
The the-67-years-old prime minister returned to Singapore for further treatment on Thursday due to the high number of antibodies’ presence in his blood, 10 days after getting his medical test done.
A team of experts including some Nepali doctors is taking several measures to increase the function of the kidney and decrease creatinine level.
PM Oli had undergone a kidney transplant surgery at the Apollo Hospital in New Delhi in 2007 and is on kidney enhancement drug therapy since.
सम्माननीय प्रधानमन्त्रीज्यूको उपचारको क्रममा प्लाज़्मा फेरेसिस प्रकृया गत शुक्रबारबाट National University Hospital सिंगापुरमा शुरू गरिएको छ। निजी चिकित्सक प्रोफ़ेसर डा दिव्यासिंह शाहका अनुसार यो उपचार प्रकृया अरू केही पटक गरिनेछ। उहॉको स्वास्थ्य स्थिति अहिले सामान्य अवस्थामा छ।
— Bishnu Rimal (@BishnuRimal) August 25, 2019