Domestic violence against women rises in Eastern Nepal

UDAYPUR: The cases of domestic violence against elderly women are reportedly on the rise in Udaypur district. Women mainly of old age here are getting neglected by their families with losing possession of their property.
Gayatri Bastola, 78, of Tiryuga Municipality is an example of the victims of domestic violence against women. According to Gayatri, she was kicked out from her house by her own eldest son after she transferred the ownership of all property to him.
Now, getting dejections from her family, Gatatri is forced to eke out a living by collecting and selling firewood. Gayatri burst into tear as she recalls her son’s treatment to her that she never imagined before that.
Gayatri every day goes to the nearby Chure jungle, collects firewood, sells it to the local market and manages two square meals. No festivals including the Dashain and Tihar bring cheers to Gayatri since she has been expelled by her family.
Similarly, woes of one Mithumaya BK, 65, of Bokse Hatdanda are not different from the sufferings Gaytari living with. Mithumaya is now living a beggarly life after being neglected by her husband Dhana Bahadur.
Property that Mithumaya had got from her maternal home is in the possession of her husband. Women in the district are becoming the victims of domestic violence against them due to a lack of their access to property.
According to human rights defender Maheshwori Rai, the cases of violence against women is increasing day by day in the district as women do not have their possession on ancestral property and have even lost their ownership due to various reasons.
She stressed the need of making women financially secured with guaranteeing their rights to ancestral property to end violence against them. RSS