Nepali cheats compatriots of 4 lakhs in Saudi

KATHMANDU: A friend of Baburam Khatri of Chipleti of Pulachaur -5 in Myagdi district and his friends who were in Saudi Arabia in connection with job has fled by cheating them Rs. 400,000.
Jala Bikram Malla, 42, of Gajuri, Dhading, their room partner, cheated the amount of Khatri and his friends while working in BCEG Royal Complex Company at Jubel in Saudi Arabia.
Khatri said over the phone that he cheated the amount from him and friends Surya Bahadur Ghartimagar and Tikaram Pun of Rolpa, Krishna Kunwar of Rukum, Bikram Kunwar of Dang, and Man Rawal of Rukum.
They were working in the company illegally as there was no good income in the company they were sent to.
Malla had promised them to send the money home as they did not have any evidence of identity and they had given him Rs. 3,000 Real each for Dashain expense.
He did not come back for long after receiving the money and switched off his mobile, said Khatri.
We had been living together in the same company for the past 18 months, but he betrayed us cheated our hard earned money, complained Khatri. RSS