Nepal’s apex court preparing for two-day holiday in a week

KATHMANDU: The Supreme Court has been preparing for giving a two day (Saturday and Sunday) holiday in a week by using its inherent rights.
A three member study committee led by registrar at the SC, Lohit Chandra Saha, is submitting a report in this connection.
The plenary meeting of the SC would implement the report, it is learnt.
The report has mentioned that it has recommended the SC to give two days’ holiday, taking into account the positive impact of the two-day holiday given in the past, and suggestions furnished by various courts and representatives of concerned bodies.
Similarly, the report has recommended the SC to implement the two-day holiday in all courts across the country. It would not affect negatively to regular activities in the judiciary. Rather, the two-day holiday would provide more time for hearing, and to prepare and check decisions, develop creativity among the manpower in courts, bring quality in performance, make study and research easier and enhance employees’ capacity.
However, the court would remain open on public holidays for the hearing on whether to keep a convict in detention or to send to the judicial custody.
In order to bring the changes, the report has suggested some amendments on the district court and appellate court regulations and necessary arrangement of employees, additional budget, delegation of power and others. RSS