Presidential rule for short-span is necessary for resolving Nepal’s political crisis: Bijukche

Narayan Man Bijukche is one of most revered leftist politicians in Nepal and is mostly popular for his theoretical understanding of the leftist ideology and more than that his denial for assuming power in the state politics. As Chairman of Nepal Labor and Peasants Party, Bijukche aka Rohit is also equally taken as a dexterous political analyst and thinker.’s Rishi Dhamala and Chitra Raj Bhandari spoke to this inspiring political think tank on issues related to Nepal’s political stalemate. Here are the edited excerpts.
Q. Is it possible to hold CA and local elections simultaneously?
Bijukche: Yes, it is possible by preparing two types of ballot papers. One of this paper should be made for selecting CA representative and other one for selecting local representative. The local body elections should be either held before the CA elections or during the CA elections.
Q Why are political parties mute on holding local elections?
Bijukche: The nation would not have been in this condition if the parties had some ideas or morality. We had stressed on the need to reinstate the local bodies or holding fresh elections 10 years earlier, but they denied to do any of that. Major political parties’ actions are determined by the orders of our foreign friends. Though the nation is undergoing such hardships, none of the major parties have come forward for holding local elections. None of them care for public’s sentiment. As responsible persons they must figure out the actual problem. It is their primary responsibility to head for hospital, if the ailment gets serious. The aliment is serious now.
Q Are the CA elections possible in April/May
BIJUKCHE: Given the present circumstances, I don’t think it is possible. There are host of provisions in the Interim Constitution to be amended and besides it major political parties are ever slipping away from their commitment and stance. Lack of trust between major political parties have positioned them apart. In such circumstances, coming together for amending existing laws and making new laws for holding CA elections within April/May seems to be a ambitious task.
Q Amending Interim Constitution is a contended issue among major parties. What would be suitable process for it and why are major parties not resorting to it.
BIJUKCHE: Constitution amendment has become a contentious issue due to the unwillingness of political parties to work in national interest. The most suitable and best alternative to amend the Interim Constitution would be to use the Presidential rights. Even though lead parties are well aware of this alternative, they fear that using it might foster Presidential rule and eventually rob them of the state reins.
Q So, where do you think Nepal is heading? And what should the President do?
Trust defect between political parties and their incapability to transcend over personal and partisan interests is moving the nation towards anarchy. The President should take the reins in his hands for some days with the consent of political parties. This will pave way for reseting the political course. But, as i told earlier, the lead political parties will never urge the President to do so.
Q, Can the President remove Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai?
Why not, if all political parties urge the President for such an action. The President himself can’t take such an action, but if all political parties urge him to do so, he definitely can do so by taking the state reins in control.
Q The opposition is obstructing budget. What is your appraisal of the confrontation?
Surrenderism on the part of opposition parties can lead the nation towards anarchy. Strong opposition is the backbone of a strong democracy. But in Nepal, opposition parties have utterly failed to exhibit a strong and leading role. Both Nepali Congress and CPN UML have failed to take strong stance on resolving political status quo. They have reflected lack of judgement and commitment to work for national interest. And this has brought the nation to the present condition.
Q Do you think PM Bhattarai will step down?
No one will step down from his position terming himself incapable. Similarly, Bhattarai will also not step down unless he is forced to do so. He must be pressurised to step down. However, Bhattarai is not holding the PM’s stead on his own accord. His government is governed by external sources, as his party chairman Prachanda said earlier.