South Korea honors Nepali professor for flourishing apiculture

Seoul ,South Korea. A Nepali professor has been awarded a prestigious honor by the South Korean government for his remarkable research in apiculture.
Department of Agricultural Biology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA awarded Thapa and his three South Korean counterparts for their contribution in reducing mortality rate of bees to 10 percent from 90 percent way back in 2007.
Formerly a Professor in the Agriculture Department in Thailand’s university, Thapa was invited by the South Korean government after their apiculture begin to deplete due to the increasing mortality rates of the bee.
Thapa and his team succeeded in addressing the South Korean apiculture concern after a rigorous research for two years. Now happy with the results, Thapa said that he and his team had worked day and night for the present results.
Along with that, he acknowledged the huge investment made by the SK government in apiculture research and technology development. However this is not the first time that South Korean government has awarded him.
So far he had bagged dozens of honors for his extraordinary research capacities and contribution. Presently his research is centered on increasing the population queen bees.
Thapa says that South Korea and Nepal have climatic proximity and claims that Nepal too has huge potentials for apiculture. Though the South Korean government is pressing on Thapa for continuing his research there, he has plans to return to Nepal and use his skills for developing apiculture in Nepal.