Scribes Sapkota and Basnet win Sancharika Prize

KATHMANDU: The Sancharika Samuha has decided to jointly award Janakraj Sapkota and Man Bahadur Basnet of Nepal Weekly with this year’s Sancharika Samanata Prize for their feature story titled Cheliko Chitkar.
The prize carries a purse of Rs 15,000. The feature was selected from among the news features published from 1 Baishakh to last of Chaitra in 2069 BS.
A panel of journalist Mohan Niraula, Federation of Nepali Journalists Vice Chairwoman Yashoda Timsina and Vice chairwoman of Sancharika Samuha Suchitra Shrestha was formed to select the winners.
Similarly, a meeting of the panel held today also decided to provide Uma Singh Journalism Prize to Chandani Hamal of Nagarik Daily.
The prize is given to a woman journalist based in the mofussil. Chitwan based Hamal would receive a purse of Rs 7,111.
Likewise, Sancharika Protsahan Prize would be given to Sabita Bishwakarma of Community Information Network and Sneha Jha of Tarai Television.
General Secretary of Sancharika Samuha Nitu Pandit said the prize would be given on May 26, the 17th anniversary of the organization.