EC scraps candidacy of two Maoists’ candidates

Kathmandu: Election Commission today scrapped the Constituent Assembly election candidacy of Bal Krishna Dhungel and Usha Shah Fakir, candidates of the UCPN (Maoist) under the proportional representation system.
Dhungel’s candidacy was cancelled by the EC following the complaints lodged by another PR candidate Ram Kumari Jhakri of CPN (UML). Dhungel was sentenced life imprisonment by the Supreme Court in 2010 on murder charges.
Likewise, the EC has annulled the candidacy of Fakir based on the complaint that she is the commissioner of National Muslim Commission. Mohammad Zakir Hussein, candidate of Fakir’s own party UCPN (Maoist), had filed complaint against her. According to the Interim Constitution of Nepal, a person is eligible to contest the polls if (s)he holds any public post and entertains facilities provided by the state.
Similarly, EC has also sought clarifications from 332 candidates under the PR system from various parties. According to EC commissioner Bir Bahadur Rai, those candidates should come up with their clarifications by November 10.