President ready to face the challenge

Kathmandu: While the disputes over the reelection of the President Dr Ram Baran Yadav has emerged following the results of the CA polls, the country head is, however, in a mood to face any challenges brought forth to question the tenure of his post.
Dr Yadav has started the consultations with the legal experts regarding the constitutional provision, ethical issues and democratic norms and values associated with the post.
“The tenure of the President is clearly stated in the provision of the interim constitution of the country,” said President Dr Yadav’s press adviser Rajendra Dahal, advising parties to avoid creating any controversies on the issue. “It could also be decided through the upcoming Constituent Assembly rather than initiating unnecessary debates outside,” said Dahal.
He further said that President Dr Yadav was ready to face any challenges in a constitutional way if such situation arises.
According to the President Office source, Dr Yadav is not in a mood to quit the post in the existing circumstances citing the constitutional provision regarding the terms of his post. His aides have also advised him that the President cannot be removed except through constitution amendment, motion of impeachment in the CA or voluntarily relinquishment of the post by the President himself. The aides believe that the CPN (UML) was creating the controversy on the tenure of the President’s post with a motive of bargaining for the future government. The President is also ready to face any challenges regarding his tenure.
According to the source, President also believes that the UML has put forth the reelection of the President as a tactic for bargaining of the portfolios with the Congress in the new government.
“The President is confident that his post was secure as the dispute would be resolved eventually after the power sharing agreement between the Congress and UML,” source added.
Meanwhile, UCPN (Maoist) is preparing to raise the issue of tenure of the President as a face saving demand. According to an insider of the UCPN (Maoist), the party, which has announced that it will stay out of the CA following a humiliating defeat in the polls, is preparing to put forth the demand of the reelection of the President as a pre condition to join the CA.
In such case, Congress will have to buckle under the pressure of the UCPN (Maoist) in a bid to forge consensus.