An educated girl can educate whole family: Temba

KATHMANDU: A workshop on educating girls from financially backward communities and households stressed on the need to educate at least a girl in a poor family to improve literacy level of the whole household.
The interaction program held in the capital recently called on helping hands to contribute in the education of illiterate and poor girls in the remote areas of the nation to increase overall living standard of their community and the nation. The program organized by Empower Nepali Girls, a non-profit dedicate in providing scholarship to deserving and poor girls of rural Nepal for the past decade, was participated by national and foreign social activists committed in uplifting the status of girl child.
President of the organization Pasang Temba pointed to the rampant practice of gender discrimination in remote areas and the trafficking of girls as major hindrances in securing a good future for girls. Tembas pledged that the organization will continue working towards uplifting the educational status of girls in the days ahead.
Along with educating girls, the organization has been working on raising awareness about human trafficking in rural households by organizing workshops and discussion forums for girls of rural part of the nation.
Presently the organization has been backing education of 250 girl students from various part of the nation in various education institutions.
The program was attended by the organization’s founder Dr. Jengri Kotler, Director of Antar Dristi Nepal, Binita Adhikari, Radha Koirala of World Education, Himalayan Television Correspondent Shrijana Shrestha among others.