
Oli panel is the crowd of the old generation: CPN UML leader Pandey,

Kathmandu, June 29. CPN-UML, leader Surendra Pandey has claimed that senior leader Madhav Kumar Nepal for the party’s chairmanship. He said that 70 percent of the representatives of the party are supporting senior leader Madhav Kumar Nepal for party’s chairmanship. He claimed that Nepal would be victorious with majority votes.

Speaking at an interaction program organized by the Reporters’ Club Nepal on Sunday, leader Pandey claimed that the panel led by Nepal will register a landslide victory against another panel.

He further clarified that Nepal would not make any negotiation with anyone prior to the convention. Dubbing the Oli-faction as the group of old leaders, former Finance Minister Pandey underscored that Nepal faction has a handful of young leaders who can lead the party efficiently, speaking at the program presided by the Reporters’ Club Nepal President Rishi Dhamala.

Pandey has also claimed that Nepal would handover leadership of the party to the young generation of leaders, after completing his first term. He stressed that the party’s ideology of Ja Ba Ja, is not the individual’s property. Claiming that the ideology has been developed and promoting by the senior leader Madhav Kumar Nepal, Pandey has said that the leader Nepal would not compromise on this regard.
Pandey has said that in spite of the efforts to pull representatives on one’s side, Madhav Kumar Nepal will win the post of chairperson in the upcoming 9th convention of the party. Pandey who himself is the contender of the post of general secretary from Nepal faction, said that two-thirds of the elected representatives from eastern development region, far-western, mid-western and from non-residents in India, and 50 percent from western development region are Nepal supporters, he said that the leader will emerge victorious with 60 percent votes no matter how much efforts is made to cut his supporters.
He claimed that Oli faction is a crowd of elderly generation while in Nepal faction all except Nepal himself belong to young generation and so this will ensure the transfer of leadership to a young generation after one tenure. Pandey said,” We believe that leader Nepal will hand over the party’s leadership to the younger generation.”

Alleging that Oli turned UML into private company, he claimed that Nepal faction will move ahead by breaking Oli syndicate. In the concerns, leader Pandey has said that party will stop the miss use of the government in the 9th general convention. He said, if anybody wants to miss use the power of the government, we won’t let them to use. We will try our best to stop it.” We have also the great experiences of the government.”
Claiming that there is no chances of the khanal to be the next party chair. He said that the Khanal’s chance has already finished. Pandey said, the chance to lead the party is from senior leader Madhav Kumar Nepal.

