5 girls being trafficked to India rescued

Lumbini, Feb 26. Five girls, who were being trafficked to India to temptation of engraining them in employment in Kolkata, have been rescued.
KI Nepal Rupandehi- an origination works again human and girls trafficking- has informed that they have rescued five Nepali girls being trafficked to India via Sunauli checkpoint form Belahiya border area.
The girls were supposed to pass through the border in private jeep.
KI Nepal chief Tara Sapkota said that the girls were rescued while Manoj Setthi, hailing from Kolkata and currently living in Kathmandu, was taking them to India on temptation of employment.
Among the rescued, two are form Chitwan, one from Dang, one from Sindhupalchowk and one from Sikkim, India but she has been residing in kathmmandu since long.
She said that trafficker fled the scene as soon as they started an Interrogation with the girls.