
Reaching school Herculean task for Ramechhkids

RAMECHHAP, APR 22: In absence of a single primary school in the village, children of school-going age in Thingre of Rampur VDC-9 in the district are forced to stay at homes.
The nearest school, Bal Secondary School in Sindhuli, is around three-hour walk from the village. Parents, thus, are reluctant to send their children to school by spending around six hours just to reach and return from the institution. Consequently, the children spend the whole day playing around the village.
Though some more conscious guardians have sent the children to the Sindhuli-based school, the kids have own stories of trouble.
“As the school is too far,” a seventh grader Bimal Sunuwar said, “We get too tired and hungry to study by reaching the school.” The tiredness has adversely affected study, he added. Around 20 children go to the Sindhuli-based school daily.
Most of these children spend the day in acute appetite as they do not have money to buy any food during daytime, the boy lamented. “No one did help us to establish a school in the village,” a local Balaram Sunuwar said, “We worry about their status till they return home by the evening.”
The students have to pass through a risky way over steep rocks in a jungle to reach the school, he added. The village had an early childhood development class, but it was closed two years ago, informed local community leader Komal Das Shrestha.
