KOICA workshop for judges‚ officials

KATHMANDU, APR 23: The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and Judicial Research and Training Institute (JRTI) in Korea orgnised a three-day workshop for Nepali judges and judicial officials.
The High Level Partnership Programme on Judicial Development (Nepal) concluded in Lalitpur on Thursday.
As many as 10 participants from different courts of Nepal, National Judicial Academy (NJA) and Ministry of Law and Justice participated in the series of lectures on a number of issues including Juvenile Protection Trail, Judicial Information System, e-Learning System, Family Trail, e-Litigation in Korea and Mediation System, KOICA said in a statement today.
“Each session was followed by a constructive discussion and the participants shared various views on the judicial system of two countries and how the Korean judicial practices could be adapted and transformed creatively in Nepali context,” read the statement.
On final day of the workshop, all former participants who attended 2012, 2013 and 2014 programmes were also invited to share their learning experiences from the programme.
This fellowship programme was held in Korea in 2013 and 2014. But, the last workshop in the multi-year support programme this year was held in Nepal in order to invite former participants in the past three years, according to KOICA.