Five injured in khukuri attack

RAUTAHAT, APR 25: Five persons were injured, four seriously, in a khukuri attack at Chandrapur municipality in Rautahat yesterday night.
According to police, Krishna Sapkota, a resident of Shantapur Tole in Chandrapur, attacked Rishi Bajgain, Sagar Bajgain and Sanju Bajgain of Shantapur Tole, and Arun Pande and Suraj Pande of Parsa, Birgunj.
The victims were visiting Sapkota’s house to attend a bratabanda ceremony, a Hindu ritual. “They were sleeping in Sapkota’s house when Sapkota attacked them,” said a policeman of the Area Police Office, Chandrapur, adding the victims have sustained injuries in different parts of their body. According to DSP Netramani Giri of DPO, four of them — Sanju, Sagar, Arun and Suraj — have been referred to Bharatpur for further treatment.
The fifth victim is being treated at Chandranigahapur Hospital. His condition is said to be stable. “We are searching for the attacker,” said DSP Giri, adding the motive behind the attack would come to light once the investigation was over.